Hello, Youth Ultimate Enthusiasts!<br><br>I have 8 announcements for you today:<br><br>1. Thanks to Volunteers and Contributors<br>2. Registration for Spring Youth Leagues and Tournaments<br>3. Coaches and League Coordinator Needed for New Boys' League<br>
4. Please Consider a Year-End Gift to DiscNW<br>5. USA Ultimate Coaching Clinic on 2/5<br>6. Fryz Club Youth Team Tryouts<br>7. Five Ultimate is Hiring<br>8. USA Ultimate is Hiring<br><br><br clear="all">1. THANKS TO VOLUNTEERS AND CONTRIBUTORS<br>
<div><p>As the year draws to a close, the DiscNW staff would like to
express our appreciation for the hundreds of volunteers and contributors
who, in the past year, have planned and run leagues, camps, clinics and
tournaments; served on committees to make our organization better;
coached youth players; donated to our Youth Development Fund; and
managed our web and financial resources. Your contributions allow us to
provide unique, year-round Ultimate opportunities for youth and adults
across the Northwest.</p>
<p>You are DiscNW. Thank you.<br><br><br>2. REGISTRATION FOR SPRING YOUTH LEAGUES AND TOURNAMENTS<br></p></div>Registration is now open for the following youth events:<br><br>- Elementary School Coed League (<a href="http://www.discnw.org/events/SpringElementary.html" target="_blank">http://www.discnw.org/events/SpringElementary.html</a>)<br>
- Middle School Coed League (<a href="http://www.discnw.org/events/SpringMS.html" target="_blank">http://www.discnw.org/events/SpringMS.html</a>)<br>- Middle School Single-Gender League (<a href="http://www.discnw.org/events/SpringMSSG.html" target="_blank">http://www.discnw.org/events/SpringMSSG.html</a>)<br>
- High School Coed League (<a href="http://www.discnw.org/events/SpringHSCoed.html" target="_blank">http://www.discnw.org/events/SpringHSCoed.html</a>)<br>- High School Boys’ Pod/Hat League (<a href="http://www.discnw.org/events/boyspod.html" target="_blank">http://www.discnw.org/events/boyspod.html</a>)<br>
- The March 11 Green Games single-gender tourney (<a href="http://www.discnw.org/events/greengames.html" target="_blank">http://www.discnw.org/events/greengames.html</a>)<br>- The April 28-29 Spring Reign coed tourney (<a href="http://www.discnw.org/events/SpringReign.html" target="_blank">http://www.discnw.org/events/SpringReign.html</a>)<br>
- The late season Spring Jam single-gender tourney (<a href="http://www.discnw.org/events/springjam.html" target="_blank">http://www.discnw.org/events/springjam.html</a>)<br><br>Registration
will open soon for the Tacoma High School League. We are still
finalizing details for that event. If you would like to provide input
or feedback on the Tacoma league, please contact me at <a href="mailto:youth.director@discnw.org">youth.director@discnw.org</a><br><br><br>3. COACHES AND LEAGUE COORDINATOR NEEDED FOR NEW BOYS' LEAGUE<br><div><p>The new High School Boys' Spring Pod/Hat League is in need of 4-6 coaches and a League Coordinator.<br>
</p><p>- Coaches will be responsible for supervising and coaching one
team of players for one 2-hour game each week. They will also help the
League Coordinator to collect the paperwork for the players on their
team.<br></p><p>- The League Coordinator will respond to customer service
emails throughout the season, keep the website updated with timely info,
manage and collect league paperwork, monitor games to ensure safe
conditions and to resolve on-field conflicts, and prepare a season-end
report. This position may be shared by two individuals.</p>
<p>Both volunteer positions are associated with a modest stipend to help
cover the cost of gas and other league-related expenses. We will not
know the times/locations of the league until we receive our field
reservations in January, but if you are interested in serving in either
of these roles, please contact DiscNW Director of Youth Operations Wynne
Scherf at <span class="email"><a href="mailto:youth.director@discnw.org">youth.director@discnw.org</a></span> and indicate your availability.<br><br><br>4. PLEASE CONSIDER A YEAR-END GIFT TO DISCNW</p><div><p>DiscNW manages two restricted funds, described below, to help
grow and support the sport of ultimate in the Northwest. DiscNW is a
501(c)(3) nonprofit, and your charitable gifts are tax-deductible. If
you would like to make a donation to DiscNW, please name the desired
fund in the memo line, and make the check payable to DiscNW at PO Box
85112, Seattle WA, 98145. Donations may also made to the DiscNW General
Fund. DiscNW can use donations to the General Fund to support any
program. Donations that do not indicate a fund name in the memo line
are allocated to the General Fund. We appreciate your consideration.<br></p><p>The Youth Development Fund<b> </b>(YDF) provides support for activities and initiatives for youth from underserved populations. In 2011,
thanks to the support of generous donors, the YDF provided nearly
$40,000 in youth sponsorship, including free youth ultimate camps and
clinics, grants to new youth ultimate teams, training for new coaches,
assistance to the Seattle Public Schools' middle school ultimate league,
and financial aid for teams and individuals to participate in DiscNW
youth events. Read more about the YDF at <a href="http://www.discnw.org/about/youthDevelopmentFund.html">http://www.discnw.org/about/youthDevelopmentFund.html</a><br></p><p>The Long Term Fields Fund (LTFF) supports efforts to improve
current playfields and develop new playfields. For example, the LTFF
helped pay for ultimate lines at Magnuson Park and will help pay for
ultimate lines at the new Jefferson Park synthetic playfield. The LTFF
can also provide for field maintenance, equipment to maintain healthy
fields, or new playfield features to promote the sport of ultimate
(e.g., signs explaining 10 simple rules).<br>
<br>5. USA ULTIMATE COACHING CLINIC ON 2/5</p><div><p>The Level I Certification: Coaching Ethics and Performance workshop will be taught by Meredith Tosta and will take place in Seattle on Sunday, February 5. <br></p>
<p>***Please note that DiscNW requires its Youth Club Championship
coaches to have Level I USA Ultimate coaching certification. This will
be the last time that the workshop is provided in Seattle before coaches
are selected in March.***
</p><p>In the morning, this class will use the USA Ultimate Code of
Ethics and Spirit of Coaching documents as starting points to gain a
deeper understanding regarding issues of liability and insurance,
fairness, teaching self-officiating, and professionalizing the role of
coaches in Ultimate. The afternoon is dedicated to modeling quality
instructional methods for teaching basic skills and running a practice. To read more about the workshop, visit <a href="http://www.usaultimate.org/resources/coaching/cdp/level_i_coach_certification.aspx">http://www.usaultimate.org/resources/coaching/cdp/level_i_coach_certification.aspx</a><br>
<p>The class is $75, plus USA Ultimate membership (or $45 for just the
morning Ethics session). There is a rebate program for female coaches
or males who coach females. Read about the Women's Rebate program at <a href="http://www.usaultimate.org/resources/development/women/coaching_workshop_rebate.aspx">http://www.usaultimate.org/resources/development/women/coaching_workshop_rebate.aspx</a>.</p>
<p>To register for the February 5 workshop in Seattle, visit <a href="http://members.usaultimate.org/coaches/clinics">http://members.usaultimate.org/coaches/clinics</a>. Questions? Contact Local Coordinator Jude LaRene at <span class="email"><a href="mailto:judelr@me.com">judelr@me.com</a></span>.<br>
6. FRYZ CLUB YOUTH TEAM TRYOUTS<br></p><div><div style="text-align:left"><p>The Fryz youth ultimate team will be holding a 2-day tryout at Magnuson Park (turf field #7) on January 8th (11:00am - 3:00pm) and January 15th (1:00pm - 4:00pm). Players age 8th grade through high school are welcome. If you are interested in trying out, download the waiver at FryzUltimate.com.
Please make sure all the contact information is legible so that the
team organizers can contact you after tryouts. A registration fee of $3
will be requested at both check-in days. Bring light and dark jerseys,
snacks, and plenty of water. Please show up 30 minutes early to
register and warm up.<br>
7. FIVE ULTIMATE IS HIRING <br></p><p>Five
Ultimate is comprised of hard-working, inspired, and
fun-loving employees. We’re looking for someone to join our team here at
headquarters in Seattle as a Team Order Representative who will work in
the Team Department to create custom athletic gear. This person will
work one-on-one with customers to smoothly transform ultimate uniform
dreams into reality. Neat! Interested in
applying? Check out <a href="http://fiveultimate.com/company/employment/">http://fiveultimate.com/company/employment/</a> for more details.<br>
8. USA ULTIMATE IS HIRING<br></p><p>USA Ultimate (USAU) has announced three job openings at its
headquarters in Boulder, CO and is seeking qualified applicants to
support its current programs and expand into new areas of leadership and
service to the sport. Applications are being accepted for the following positions: Manager of Events, Manager of Membership and Sport Development, and Manager of College Competition and Athlete Programs. You can view the full job descriptions at <a href="http://www.usaultimate.org/about/usaultimate/get_involved.aspx">http://www.usaultimate.org/about/usaultimate/get_involved.aspx</a><br>
are full-time, salaried positions. Projected start dates are December
2011 or as soon as possible. The application deadline is December 5,
2011 or until filled. For the Event Manager and Competition &
Athlete Programs (College) position, contact <a href="mailto:Will@hq.usaultimate.org">Will@hq.usaultimate.org</a>. For the Membership Development position
contact <a href="mailto:Melanie@hq.usaultimate.org">Melanie@hq.usaultimate.org</a>.<br>
That's all for today. As always, contact me at <a href="mailto:youth.director@discnw.org">youth.director@discnw.org</a> if you have questions or feedback about youth Ultimate in the Northwest.</p><p>Happy New Year!<br>
</p></div></div></div></div></div>-- <br>Wynne Scherf<br>DiscNW<br>Director of Youth Operations<br>
<br>Registration is now open for EIGHT spring youth leagues and tournaments at <a href="http://www.discnw.org" target="_blank">www.discnw.org</a>!<br><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div></div><div>
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