<div dir="ltr"><div><div>Hello, Youth Ultimate Enthusiasts!<br><br></div>I have eight pieces of juicy news for you today:<br><br></div>1. Impromptu Coaching Workshop and Certification: Tomorrow! <br><div>2. All Ages Youth Clinic: Monday<br>
</div><div>3. Ultimate-Playing Exchange Student Needs Home<br></div><div>4. Follow the DiscNW Club Teams at the National Championships<br></div><div>5. New High School Leadership Camp<br></div><div>6. One Remaining Seattle Ultimate Camp<br>
</div><div>7. Fall Youth Events<br></div><div>8. Youth Ultimate Enthusiasts Needed for November 8 Fall Bid Planning<br><br clear="all"><div><div><div><div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><br></div><div>1. IMPROMPTU COACHING WORKSHOP AND CERTIFICATION: TOMORROW<br>
<br>DiscNW is hosting an impromptu USA Ultimate Level I <span class="">Coaching</span> <span class="">Certification</span> on this Saturday, August 2, at the Meadowbrook Community Center, from 9am to 4pm. This clinic is a great resource for all <span class="">coaches</span>, and it is required of DiscNW's Youth Club Championship (YCC) <span class="">coaches</span>. The
clinic only visits Seattle once (rarely, twice) per year, so this is
your chance. Although you must be 21 years of age in order to receive
<span class="">certification</span>, high school captains are welcome to attend the workshop
and will find the program useful. Female coaches or coaches of female players might be eligible for a clinic rebate (see <a href="http://www.usaultimate.org/resources/development/women/coaching_workshop_rebate.aspx">http://www.usaultimate.org/resources/development/women/coaching_workshop_rebate.aspx</a>).<br>
<br></div><div>Read more about the clinic content here: <a href="http://www.usaultimate.org/resources/coaching/cdp/default.aspx">http://www.usaultimate.org/resources/coaching/cdp/default.aspx</a><br></div><div>Register for the clinic TODAY at: <a href="http://play.usaultimate.org/clinics/cdp_level_i_seattle_wa/">http://play.usaultimate.org/clinics/cdp_level_i_seattle_wa/</a><br>
</div><div><br><br></div><div>2. ALL-AGES YOUTH CLINIC: MONDAY<br><br><a href="https://www.discnw.org/fieldareas/173/" target="_blank">Franklin High School Athletic Field</a>, 2-5pm. No ultimate experience necessary. No age is too young; all under-18 players welcome! Cost is $15 per person, but financial aid will be available. Must bring a signed DiscNW waiver (unless already signed for the 2013-14 school year).<span class=""> Coached</span> by the DiscNW U16 girls' team and their <span class="">coaches</span>, this clinic is a fundraiser for their trip to the USA Ultimate Youth Club Championships in Blaine, MN next week. <br>
<br>Please preregister at <a href="http://tinyurl.com/youthultimateclinic">http://tinyurl.com/youthultimateclinic</a><br>Waivers can be printed from <a href="http://www.discnw.org/youth/2013-2014DiscNWYouthWaiver.pdf">http://www.discnw.org/youth/2013-2014DiscNWYouthWaiver.pdf</a><br>
</div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>3. ULTIMATE-PLAYING EXCHANGE STUDENT NEEDS HOME<br><br></div><div>DiscNW was recently contacted by Katja from Aspect Foundation student exchange, who is looking for a 2014-15 school year host for Santiago, an ultimate-playing high school student from Colombia. For more information about Santiago and details about applying to host him this year, visit the DiscNW bulletin boards at <a href="https://www.discnw.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=5876">https://www.discnw.org/forums/viewtopic.php?id=5876</a><br>
<br><br></div><div>4. FOLLOW THE DISCNW CLUB TEAMS AT THE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS<br><br></div><div>Next weekend, August 9-10, five DiscNW teams will travel to Blaine, Minnesota to compete in the USA Ultimate Youth Club Championships. DiscNW teams enter the tournament seeded high in all five divisions. To view schedules and follow the teams throughout the weekend, visit the event page at <a href="http://play.usaultimate.org/events/Youth-Club-Championships/">http://play.usaultimate.org/events/Youth-Club-Championships/</a><br>
<br></div><div>For more personal commentary on the teams' performance, check out the DiscNW YCC tweets at <a href="https://twitter.com/discnwycc">https://twitter.com/discnwycc</a><br><br></div><div>If you'd like to support the YCC teams, who are still approximately $10k short of meeting their players' financial aid needs, please consider a donation to the DiscNW YCC Scholarship Fund at <a href="https://co.clickandpledge.com/sp/d1/default.aspx?wid=62849">https://co.clickandpledge.com/sp/d1/default.aspx?wid=62849</a> (shoot an email to <a href="mailto:ycc@discnw.org">ycc@discnw.org</a> so that we know to which DiscNWfund the donation should be directed). Thanks for your consideration!<br>
</div><div><br><br></div><div>5. NEW HIGH SCHOOL LEADERSHIP CAMP<br><br>On August 18-22, DiscNW will host its new Leadership Camp for select, 16-19 year old leaders (by application). Players will learn captaining and <span class="">coaching</span> skills, practice implementing those skills with younger players, and receive feedback on their performance from camp <span class="">coaches</span> Lou Burruss, Alyssa Weatherford, and Reid Koss. Camp includes lunchtime convocations with leaders from the Northwest ultimate community, like Ben Wiggins, Gwen Ambler, and Dom Fontenette. The camp takes place at Magnuson Park, 8:30-3:30pm. The camp fee is $275, with financial aid available.<br>
<br></div><div>Learn more and apply at <a href="https://www.discnw.org/events/LeadershipCamp/">https://www.discnw.org/events/LeadershipCamp/</a><br><br><br></div><div>6. ONE REMAINING SEATTLE ULTIMATE CAMP<br><br></div><div>
DiscNW will also host its final traditional skills camp on August 18-22, with spots for players ages 8 through high school. The camp takes place at Magnuson Park, 9-3pm. The registration fee is $275, with financial aid available. For more information, and to register, visit <a href="https://www.discnw.org/events/SeattleUltimateCamps/">https://www.discnw.org/events/SeattleUltimateCamps/</a><br>
<br><br></div><div>7. FALL YOUTH EVENTS<br><br></div><div>We've been getting lots of questions about our plans for the fall season. We're running a bit behind on fall event registrations since we're transitioning to a new Youth Director, but here is what we've got up our sleeve:<br>
<br></div><div>*Fall Middle School Club League* - with individual and team registrations accepted, most likely on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons, 3:30-5pm, at Green Lake and View Ridge Playfields. This league will run from early to mid-September through late October. It is a casual league with a focus on fun and learning, teaching and practicing ultimate.<br>
<br></div><div>*Fall Girls Club Series* - this will be a series of ultimate tournaments for girls in grades 8-12. Bring your own team, and register for as few or as many of the tournaments as you would like. A free agent team will be available as well. Games will be 4-on-4 on abbreviated fields, with some minor rules differences ("mini" ultimate). Teams playing in a minimum number of the qualifying tournaments will be eligible for the Fall Girls' Club Championship at the end of the season. If you're interested in helping to plan this new and exciting club series, <a href="mailto:fall.youth.girls@discnw.org">fall.youth.girls@discnw.org</a><br>
<br></div><div>*Fall High School Boys Season* - DiscNW is taking the official boys' high school season back under its wing this school year. For more information, email <a href="mailto:fall.boys@discnw.org">fall.boys@discnw.org</a><br>
<br>*Fall Seattle Public Middle School League* - As usual, DiscNW will be helping Seattle Public Schools to run its official fall middle school league on Saturdays. For more information, email <a href="mailto:fall.ms@discnw.org">fall.ms@discnw.org</a><br>
<br><br></div><div>8. YOUTH ULTIMATE ENTHUSIASTS NEEDED FOR NOVEMBER 8 FALL BID PLANNING<br></div><div><br></div><div>If you consistently read to the bottom of my admittedly verbose announcements, you probably know by now that DiscNW is hosting our biggest youth fundraiser on Saturday, November 8, at the Swedish Cultural Center. We're looking for new and enthusiastic members for our fundraising committee to help us plan a successful event. No fundraising experience required. We'll take any interested party, but we're looking for someone who, ideally, is interested in sticking around for three auctions: once to observe and learn, once to actively implement, and once to mentor new committee members. Contact <a href="mailto:auction.dinner@discnw.org">auction.dinner@discnw.org</a> if you are creative, organized, and/or and passionate about supporting youth in the sport of ultimate!<br>
<br>Fall Bid benefits DiscNW's Youth Development Fund, which finances youth activities and initiatives designed to promote the sport of ultimate and support the participation of under-served populations. <br><br><br>
</div><div>And I thought my early July message would be my final message to you! There's so much going on this summer, I just couldn't help but slip in a couple more. Enjoy the sunshine, throw some plastic!<br><br>
</div><div>Warmly,<br></div><div><br></div><div><a href="https://www.discnw.org/events/SeattleUltimateCamps/" target="_blank"></a></div><div>Wynne Scherf<br></div>DiscNW Director of Youth Operations<br></div><i><b><br></b></i></div>