[DiscNW] DiscNW Summer News
William Bartram
william.bartram at discnw.org
Wed Jul 2 17:11:44 PDT 2008
Hello Ultimate Enthusiasts,
Summer might finally be here.
In other news..
1) Women's Pickup
2) Men for All Seasons
3) Potlatch!
4) Tacoma Camp Registration
5) Field Advocacy News
6) Youth Development Fund
7) Youth Showcase Games
8) New Director of Youth Operations
Women's Pickup
There are fields reserved in Seattle for women's pickup this summer:
* July 7 - Magnuson 4A
<http://www.discnw.org/ale/field.html?fieldAreaId=291> , 6:30-8:30pm
* Monday, July 14 - Magnuson 4B
<http://www.discnw.org/ale/field.html?fieldAreaId=291> , 6:30-8:30pm
* Monday, July 21 - Magnuson 4B
<http://www.discnw.org/ale/field.html?fieldAreaId=291> , 6:30-8:30pm
* July 28 - Magnuson 4B
<http://www.discnw.org/ale/field.html?fieldAreaId=291> , 6:30-8:30pm
* August 11 - Loyal Heights
<http://www.discnw.org/ale/field.html?fieldAreaId=8> , 8-9:45pm
* August 18 - Loyal Heights
<http://www.discnw.org/ale/field.html?fieldAreaId=8> , 8-9:45pm
Men for All Seasons
Men for All Seasons returns on July 19th to Tacoma, WA, just a short journey
down I-5 for you Seattle folks.
There will be a full day of ultimate, with at least 4 games. You are
welcome to sign up with a number of friends on the same team--just make sure
they all list the same "buddy".
Date: Saturday July 19th
Times: To be finalized, but likely start time of 9:30am
What: All day ultimate, yummy field food & treats, and even water!
Where: South End Rec Area
100 teams
3 days
33 fields
Tacoma Youth Camp
DiscNW is proud to announce the second annual middle school overnight camp
this summer from July 29th to August 2nd! We will be holding this fun-filled
camp on Pacific Lutheran University's campus in Tacoma, WA.
Along with fantastic coaching we will be providing 3 meals and lodging for
overnight campers. For those campers who live close to PLU's campus we will
provide 2 meals a day.
Fields Advocacy News
Permanent Lines for Ultimate on New Fields at Magnuson Park?? Maybe!
In June 2008, DiscNW applied for grant money to have permanent lines for
Ultimate added to the new synthetic soccer fields and rugby field that are
currently under construction at Magnusion Park through the King County Youth
Sports Field Grant Program.. If approved (the answer won't come until the
end of 2008), there will be 6 Ulitmate fields permanently lined into those
fields by the fall of 2009.
Support the Proposed Parks Levy!
The proposed parks levy assembled for Seattle City Council by the Citizens
Advisory Committee needs your support if it's going to make it onto the
ballot this fall! To show your support contact both the Citizens Advisory
Committee (parksandgreenspaceslevy at seattle.gov) and members of the Seattle
<http://www.seattle.gov/council/councilcontact.htm> City Council to
indicate your general support of the proposed parks levy and that you favor
money in the levy being directed to athletic playfields.
Youth Development Fund
Hey all you adult ultimate players. You love this game and you know how good
it has been to you. Now is your chance to help spread the game to the next
generation. Seattle has one of the largest and most active youth ultimate
scenes in the country. As organizers continue to work hard to bring the game
to less financially able kids around town, they need your help. Donations
are tax deductible and your funds will be used to provide opportunities that
would not be available without your support. There are many ways to give.
To contribute to the Youth Development
<http://www.discnw.org/about/youthDevelopmentFund.html> Fund please make
checks payable to DiscNW and mail them to: DiscNW, PO Box 85112, Seattle, WA
98145. Please include a brief note if you would like to earmark your
contribution for a specific purpose (see below), and please include your
name and a return address if an official receipt of the donation is
Opportunities to contribute:
Help send our youth spring league champions from Mercer Middle School to
Worlds <http://www.wugc2008.com/> in Vancouver to play the local Canadian
Champs - $10 to $1000. Contact Mercer Head Coach Sam Terry at
sgterry at seattleschools.org for more information.
Sponsor an individual player to participate in Washington
<http://www.washingtongames.org/site250.php> Games tournament this July -
$25. Sponsor a whole team to participate in Washington Games tournament this
July - $200. Contact Joe Bisignano at joe_Bisignano at yahoo.com.
Youth Showcase Games
The DiscNW YCC teams, the Australian National Junior teams, and the US
Junior National teams will play several showcase games in preparation for
summer championship tournaments. Games will be at 5pm on July 28, 29, 30,
and 31 at Ingraham High School in north Seattle. More details will be
posted at discnw.org soon.
New Director of Youth Operations
DiscNW is proud to introduce Wynne Scherf who will start later in July as
the new DiscNW Director of Youth Operations. She will focus on youth
ultimate projects involving communication, outreach and program
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